Targeted TB Screening Among High Risk Groups

Targeted TB Screening Among High Risk Groups

UZT  is a sub-recipient (SR) of a Global Fund 3-year grant to build capacity of Ministry of Health and Child Care provincial structures to institutionalize community screening for TB using mobile X-ray trucks. The trucks are equipped with digital X-ray equipment and a mobile laboratory for on-site testing for TB using GeneXpert machines.

In this grant, provincial teams from the MOHCC will be trained and mentored on the principles of community active case finding using digital radiology, drawing lessons from previous grant implementation where UZT was implementing this intervention as an SR.

Grant period

1st January, 2021 – 31st December, 2023

Project Buy-in

USD $1,1 million

Goal of the project:

To contribute to finding missed TB cases, linking them to care.

Project Focus:

  • Training and mentorship – provincial and district teams on active TB screening using digital radiology
  • Resilient community systems strengthening – to empower hard to reach communities and create demand for community TB screening services

The project will be implemented across all provinces in Zimbabwe.

Number of clients registered
Presumptive TB clients identified
TB cases notified
Bacteriologically confirmed using WHO recommended rapid diagnostic tests