Our World AIDS Day Message

Our World AIDS Day Message

Our World AIDS Day Message

Today is World AIDS Day! It is a special day in our calendar as an organisation that has a mandate to contribute to prevention and management of selected NCDs in Zimbabwe. Given the strong connection between TB and HIV, UZT takes this day as an opportunity to ignite the zeal among all stakeholders in the quest to eliminate TB in Zimbabwe and indeed provision of “Health Solutions for All”

Fundamentally, it is important to remind all, that according to the World Health Organisation, the risk of developing tuberculosis (TB) is estimated to be between 16-27 times greater in people living with HIV than among those without HIV infection. It is for this reason that World AIDS Day is such an important day for us as an organisation. We reflect on our interventions, collaborate with partners for greater impact, and mobilise communities to take up services.

We take today as a special moment to remind everyone that it is possible for us to eliminate TB in Zimbabwe, and in line with our National Vision, contribute to achievement of ZERO AIDS related deaths in Zimbabwe.

We further take today as an opportunity to remind everyone about the risk at hand, and call for collective action in prevention and management of TB. According to the World Health Organisation, in 2015, there were an estimated 10.4 million cases of tuberculosis disease globally, including 1.2 million (11%) among people living with HIV. Almost 60% of tuberculosis cases among people living with HIV were not diagnosed or treated, resulting in 390 000 tuberculosis-related deaths among people living with HIV in 2015.

Your health, is your responsibility. Get tested for HIV today. Go for TB screening today. Services are available at your nearest health facility for free!


