Kunda-Nqob’iTB (KN-TB)

KN-TB project is a US$15 million, 5-year cooperative agreement between the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and UZT under the USAID flagship TB Local Organizations Network (TB LON) funding mechanism. The support is part of USAID’s Global Accelerator to End TB.

The programme is being implemented in eight priority districts with high artisanal mining activities,  a disproportionate burden of TB disease and associated poor treatment outcomes. 

UZT, as the prime is leading a consortium of four implementing partners that include Baines Occupational Health Services, Hospice and Palliative Care Association of Zimbabwe and Jointed Hands Welfare Organisation. The investment primarily seeks to find missed TB cases, linking them to quality patient centered care.  

Grant period

1st Oct, 2019 – 30th Sept, 2024

Project Buy-in

USD $15 million

Goal of the project:

To contribute to the reduction of TB incidence and mortality in project areas.

TB patients diagnosed with TB through project support from 2019 - to date (2nd Quarter 2024).
Artisanal small-scale miners screened for TB while 11,479 were screened for Silicosis. 921 TB; 2,146 Silicosis a cases diagnosed while 555 silico-TB cases have been diagnosed through project support from 2019 - to date (2nd Quarter 2024).
Community members screened for TB through Community Based Volunteers, resulting in 2,467 persons diagnosed with all forms TB through community referral since 2019 - to date (2nd Quarter 2024).
Artisanal small-scale miners initiated on TB Preventive Therapy by end of 2nd Quarter 2024.